Monday 18 July 2011

Quick sort Example.

1) Consider the example with array elements 44,75,23,43,55,12,64,77.
2) The First(UP) and Last(Down) element are 44 and 33 resp.
 3) Let the pivot element be 44.
4) Increment Up until Up > Pivot.

 5) Decrement Down Until Down <= Pivot.

 6) Now, Both the Conditions satisfies. So, Exchange values of Up and Down.
7) Again Increment Up until Up > Pivot.
8) Similarly decrement Down until Down <= Pivot.
9) Now swap the values of Up and Down Values.
10) Again increment the Up pointer until Up > pivot.
11) Similarly decrement the Down until Down < = Pivot.
12) Up and Down passed each other, so exchange the pivot value and the value in the Down.
13) Note that all the values below the pivindex are <= pivot and the values above the pivindex are > pivot.
14) This gives us two new sub-arrays.
15) Repeat the process for the rest of the sub-arrays.

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